Want to live forever? Creepy science says “youth transplants” are the answer… but you first have to harvest blood and organs from children

Want to live forever? Creepy science says “youth transplants” are the answer… but you first have to harvest blood and organs from children by:  for Natural News

Eternal youth is just a few child blood infusions away, according to new research out of Stanford University.

Harvesting the blood, vital organs and other body parts out of innocent children and implanting all of it into aging adults is the key, “experts” say, to living forever. And the UK-based Telegraph newspaper seems to agree.

In a series of tweets, the Telegraph appears to celebrate the news that children – the younger the better – can be butchered up and turned into “anti-aging” remedies for adults.

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“Historically, cultures have revered the blood of the young,” Telegraph Life tweeted, suggesting that murdering babies and children for their life essence is a wholesome and respectable tradition.

“It was even rumoured that Kim Jong-il, the former North Korean dictator, injected himself with blood from healthy young virgins to slow the ageing process.”

Describing the horrific concept as “youth transplants,” the Telegraph published a lengthy exposé about how achieving immortality (more like absolute immorality) is as simple as drinking from the fountain of youth.

“The fountain of youth, it seems, is youth itself,” wrote Sarah Knapton, the Telegraph‘s science editor.

Young fecal microbes implanted into older bodies could reduce aging in eyes, stomach

According to Knapton, harvesting actual blood and body parts from real-life children is not what she is personally suggesting, anyway. Science, she says, can create artificial replicas of these things and turn them into pharmaceutical drugs.

“Young people have more powerful cells which operate more efficiently and could restore vitality to ageing systems,” she explains.

Researchers at Stanford tested this out on mice, showing that infused cerebrospinal fluid collected from young mice and implanted into old mice improve the older mice’s brain function, “a breakthrough which could have enormous implications for dementia and other neurodegenerative conditions,” Knapton contends.

“Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear liquid found within the tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord of humans, and is packed full of nutrients, signaling molecules and growth factors which nourish neurons,” she adds.

Another less invasive but still-somewhat-disturbing application of this involves fecal transplants. Researchers from the Quadram Institute in Norwich, Great Britain, found that collecting fecal microbes from young mice and implanting them into older mice reversed aging in both the eyes and the stomach.

This type of process, as disgusting as it might sound, at least leave the young being intact. All that talk about blood and vital organs, though, hearkens back to the QAnon conspiracy trend and earlier reports we published about CPS (Child Protective Services) abductions and the adrenochrome situation.

Is this new Stanford study an attempt to normalize the idea of exploiting children for their “anti-aging” body parts? Are the powers that be trying to dull people’s senses to a concept that even a decade ago would have absolutely disgusted the nation?

“It will only be a matter of time before this mad science is fully commercialized, in a similar manner to how fetal stem cells are taken from murdered babies and used to make dangerous vaccines, and the demand for young children’s blood and body parts to be harvested will skyrocket,” warns Shane Trejo from Big League Politics.

It turns out that powerful tech corporations have poured billions of dollars into startup companies that intend to do exactly this. Harvesting the blood of children and turning it into drugs for adults trying to live forever appears to be the latest demonic agenda in the current age.

“They hope to find a synthetic fountain of youth from researching the plasma of their young volunteers,” Trejo adds. “This work is changing the field of geroscience forever, for better or worse.”

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