Back to Basics Recovery Model Created by Wally P. 1999 via Big Book Sponsorship
The Back to Basics recovery model is described in detail in Back to Basics–The Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners’ Meetings (using the Twelve Steps and the “Big Book”), How to Listen to God (using the Oxford Group Four Steps and the Oxford Group literature) and in a forthcoming book with a working title of Back to Basics for Christians (using the Oxford Group Four Steps and the New Testament). No matter which format or what literature is used, the results are the same: recovery from any and all addictions and afflictions by establishing and maintaining a two way communication with the “God who speaks.”
The Back to Basics Recovery Model was developed in 1999 by Wally while he was carrying the Back to Basics message of hope to the hearing and sight impaired within the recovery community. It consists of simple, easy-to-understand symbols that represent the steps in the recovery process. These steps are Surrender, Sharing, Restitution and Guidance:
Surrender: Steps 1, 2 and 3
Surrender results in a change in perception. We realize that our selfish, self-centered addictions, afflictions and compulsive behaviors have cut us off from God and have left us in a dark, lonely prison of hopelessness and despair.
Sharing: Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7
Sharing involves identifying those aspects of self that have kept us separated from God and our fellows. These “blocks” are revealed by taking and sharing an inventory of our assets and liabilities. We turn our “blocks” over to God and ask God to remove them.
Restitution: Steps 8 and 9
God removes the “blocks” that separate us from God and our fellows as we make amends to those we have harmed and forgive those who have harmed us.
Guidance: Steps 10, 11 and 12
We conduct a morning “quiet time” to receive guidance from God. The guidance we receive is checked against the “Test for self-will / God’s Will” and with our “sharing partners” in order to separate the God thoughts from the self thoughts.
In the evening, we review our day to insure we have carried out the God thoughts, especially those pertaining to helping others and practicing the principles of Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness and Love in all our affairs.
We are now living in “the Sunshine of the Spirit.”