Truth Bomb…

Truth Bomb… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

I sure hope the awakening is happening the way it appears to be happening.

It seems more and more people are growing weary of the lies, propaganda and tyranny that is unfolding at a pace no one could have seen. However, just like Hemmingway said about going bankrupt – slowly then quickly. We have entered into the “quickly” portion of mass control, mass tyranny and mass apostasy.

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Click the link within the Tweet below to see th full video

Still don’t believe the apostasy is real? Well, explain this nonsense, non-Biblical teachings by all-woked-up people in church…

Here’s the full video linked in the tweet above

Yeah, Bill Maher may be four years late, but at least he is coming back to his senses and going straight at the woke liberal left.

It is Bill Maher, so, LANGUAGE ALERT

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