Watch As On Fire 11-Year Old Ainsley Grace Bakondy Gives The Gospel To Gay School Board Member While Rebuking Their Child Grooming Agenda

Watch As On Fire 11-Year Old Ainsley Grace Bakondy Gives The Gospel To Gay School Board Member While Rebuking Their Child Grooming Agenda by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins

We are in a battle, brothers and sisters, an end times war and it is raging all around you. It is a war for the souls of men and women, and we who are saved are called to stand in the gap to witness Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world…TO THE FIGHT!!!

Here at NTEB, I am constantly calling Bible believing Christians to open their mouth, to speak up, and get in the game witnessing the Lord Jesus Christ to a God-hating, sin-loving, Jesus Christ rejecting world. As it turns out, 11-year old Ainsley Grace Bakondy took me literally and went and witnessed Jesus Christ to members of her local school board in Sarasota who are promoting the gay grooming agenda we talked about yesterday. Man oh man, if we could get some adults on fire like 11-year old Ainsley, we would really have something. Watch the video below to see just how awesome Ainsley was.

“…and a little child shall lead them.” Isaiah 11:6 (KJB)

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Thomas Bakondy, Ainsley’s dad, told me that he has sent a number of NTEB articles to school board member Tom Edwards, an openly-gay “married” man, and that Edwards has led the charge with drafting policies that allow children to choose their pronouns without parental consent or notification. So what did the longtime NTEB-reading Bakondy family do? They did exactly as we are always calling people to do, to respectfully push back against this rising tide of darkness and preach Jesus! Kudos to you, Bakondy family, that’s real front lines stuff, keep it up.

Another NTEB’er named Kim wrote to me earlier and said this:

“I have been a Sunday school teacher for 15 years and this past Sunday I believe I had the most intense conversation with a kid that I have ever had.   This girl, Amber, is in the 6th grade and was the only kid in my class this week. She began asking me questions about what I thought about Transgender and people that are transitioning. It caught me off guard because no kid, at our small Baptist country church,  has ever brought this up before. I am well aware of the movement BUT I have never had a conversation with a child about it before.   This 6th grader is very knowledgeable about LGBTQIA, transgender, and the terms they use. I told my husband about it after church and I said it is like she has been groomed for this. I told her that I did not agree that people should change their gender. God created us in his image. We are male or female  and God does not make mistakes. He knows us from the womb before we are born into this world. We read scripture in several places. 

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