What if Angry Activists Disrupt Your Church? by J. LEE GRADY for Charisma News
I’m not the kind of guy who sees Satan behind every bush. But it doesn’t take much discernment to see who’s manipulating events in our country these days. This was never more obvious than this past weekend, when outraged pro-abortion protesters set a pro-life ministry’s building on fire in Wisconsin, vandalized a pregnancy clinic in Texas and barged into Catholic churches on Mother’s Day to disrupt worship services.
The person who threw a Molotov cocktail into the offices of Wisconsin Family Action in Madison, Wisconsin, also scribbled graffiti on the pro-life organization’s building. The message said: “If abortions aren’t safe, you aren’t either.” On May 8, a pro-abortion activist who agreed with the arson attempt in Madison tweeted that she hoped pro-lifers would “never know a moment of peace or safety until they rot in the ground.”
Why so much hate? Pro-abortion organizations are reacting to the unprecedented leak of a legal opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court, which states that the 1973 Roe v. Wadeopinion legalizing abortion should be overturned. The ruling isn’t official yet, but furious activists hit the streets on May 3, immediately after the leak went public.
Many activists, including groups known as Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, Pro Choice with Heart, and Strike for Choice, announced plans to disrupt Catholic churches May 8-15 because six of the nine judges on the high court are Catholic. In Los Angeles, a group of pro-choice protesters dressed in red capes — representing characters in the TV show The Handmaid’s Tale — barged into Our Lady of the Angels Church on Mother’s Day and shouted pro-abortion slogans.
At the Basilica of Saint Patrick’s Old Cathedral in New York City, activists danced outside the church while a woman writhed in a bathing suit with multiple plastic dolls attached to her body. She declared: “God killed his kid. Why can’t I kill mine? Help me abort my babies.”