WARNING: Elementary School Teachers Are Using The ‘Gender Unicorn’ To Groom And Recruit Your Young Child Into The LGBTQIA+ Lifestyle by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins
Teachers all across America are grooming young children with garbage like The Gender Unicorn to recruit them into the LGBTQIA+ lifestyle, why do you allow it?
Teachers all across America are grooming young children with garbage like The Gender Unicorn to recruit them into the LGBTQIA+ lifestyle, why do you allow it?
If this article today on groomer teachers doesn’t sicken you, anger you, and motivate you to action, then there is something seriously wrong with you on a soul level. What am I talking about? I am talking about how, all across America, in the vast majority of public schools, a massive campaign is underway to groom and recruit your child into the LGBTQIA+ lifestyle. It works with the aid of tools like The Gender Unicorn, which takes their demonic nonsense and makes it palatable to young minds.
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” Romans 1:28 (KJB)
Here at NTEB, we have been sounding the alarm on the battle being waged by the LGBTQIA+ Movement against morality, decency, common sense, God and the Bible for well over a decade. We have shown you time and again that these people are marching to war under the Rainbow Flag, a battle flag, and the people they are seeking to conquer is you. Since they have started their groomer recruitment campaign, the number of people in America who now identify as LGBTQIA+ has more than doubled, just as we told you would happen, but you didn’t listen.