McDonald’s Serves Up Fries…and the Occult With Bizarre Tarot Card Offer: ‘Know Your Fate’

McDonald’s Serves Up Fries…and the Occult With Bizarre Tarot Card Offer: ‘Know Your Fate’ By  for Faith Wire

For anyone wondering just how pervasive occult practices are becoming in mainstream culture, look no further than McDonald’s most recent marketing ploy, which involved, among meal deals, the chance to win tarot card readings.

The lede of a USA Today story covering McDonald’s ploy reads, “McDonald’s is preparing for this week’s celestial and astrological change of Mercury retrograde with both a deal and tarot card readings.”

In an unfortunate infusion of occultism, customers using the McDonald’s app to buy a medium order of fries were given a free McDouble or McChicken and the chance to snag a tarot card reading.

[give_form id="52655"]

McDonald’s reportedly partnered with Madam Adam, a tarot card reader with expertise in astrology, to offer readings to select customers. To “win,” customers reportedly needed to go to Madam Adam’s Instagram or TikTok posts to share their Zodiac sign and name.

Adam advertised the effort on his social media platforms, encouraging people to partake so they could learn their “fate.” The comments sections on Adam’s social pages were filled with people sharing their Zodiac signs in hopes of receiving an apparently-coveted tarot reading.

“I don’t know about you, but for me, Mercury in retrograde can be a real difficult time. So why not ease the discomfort with comfort food?” Adam said in a video promotion. “Want to know what the Tarot has in store for you? Join me and McDonald’s for a very special TikTok Live… to know your fate.”


According to a statement from McDonald’s, Adam planned to “randomly select a lucky few to receive custom readings” during the live stream, which unfolded this week.

McDonald’s discount effort coincided with Mercury retrograde, an optical illusion that unfolds a few times each year and appears to show Mercury moving backward in its orbit. When Mercury laps Earth in its 88-day move around the sun, it causes Mercury’s appearance to be retrograde from Earth’s perspective.

But why do so many care about an optical illusion? And why did Adam say it can make for a “difficult time?”

Astrologists believe happenings in the sky impact life on Earth. Thus, Mercury retrograde has people engaging in all sorts of speculation and superstition over purported disruptions they think it can cause.

Continue Reading / Tik Tok / Faith  Wire >>

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