Spirit-Filled Pastor: Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good

Spirit-Filled Pastor: Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good by SHANE IDLEMAN via Charisma News

The title of this article comes from the oft-quoted Isaiah 5:20 (NKJV): “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” Isaiah’s “woe” was designed to awaken and convict the nation to turn back to God before the hammer dropped. Sadly, that didn’t happen. A lack of fear, repentance and reverence for God led to physical and spiritual judgment.

In the Bible, the word woe carries the idea of impending judgment brought on by the wrath of God in sin. It signifies overwhelming grief, sorrow, and regret, accompanied by suffering.

The word woe adds a power-packed punch to what the prophet Isaiah is vocalizing. In essence he is saying, “Listen, this is serious! If you don’t heed my advice, the judgment and justice of God will fall, and the hammer will hit hard.

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It’s been said that not even Sodom and Gomorrah reached the level of decadence that we see today in America. Praise God for the remnant and the churches that intercede. In my opinion, they are the only thing keeping God’s judgment at bay.

Sin Fascinates Before It Assassinates

When Isaiah pronounced this “woe,” the nation of Israel had become comfortable in their sin. Moral conviction was fading and obedience to God was passé. As a result, they began to compromise and drift further from God. They were calling evil good and good evil. Two of the top evils were infanticide (laying their newborn children on the searing hot arms of Molech as a sacrifice) and sexual sin. Ring a bell? We still sacrifice our children on the altar of sexual sin.

As I’m writing this, the news just broke of Justice Alito’s thoughts on Roe v. Wade. The news that this law might be overturned has created a huge uproar. Imagine being angry that babies will live — “Woe to those who call good evil.”

Israel, not unlike America today, paid no attention as their leaders seduced them to do more evil than any other nation before them. (See 2 Kings 21:9.) They failed to see that when sin fascinates, it assassinates.

Can You Hear Isaiah Today? I Sure Can

  • Woe to the school districts who promote sexual perversion and undermine the family.
  • Woe to the universities who mock God and teach their students to do the same.
  • Woe to politicians who call evil good and good evil, and have the blood of the innocent on their hands.
  • Woe to pastors and Christian leaders who encourage sin by their silence, and who openly embrace apostasy.
  • Woe to the media who lead people astray by twisting the truth to promote the demonic agenda of darkness.
  • Woe to the film industry who bows to the whore of Babylon — the stench has reached the nostrils of God.
  • Woe to liberal churches who say that they love people but hate God’s Word.

Yes, all of those points are hard to hear for those caught in sin and enamored by idolatry; that’s the point. The “woes” are meant to sound an alarm. They allow the hammer of God to break and the fire of His Word to devour sin.

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