Jonathan Cahn Reveals Link Between Abortion, COVID-19 and God’s Judgment on America

Jonathan Cahn Reveals Link Between Abortion, COVID-19 and God’s Judgment on America by ROB VISCHERĀ for Charisma News

On January 22, 2019, the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act into law. The law allowed for a child to be killed up until the time of birth for any reason.

In celebration, One World Trade Center’s top spire was lit in pink.

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One year later, on January 21, 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the U.S. According to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, this is no coincidence. He believes that the timing of COVID-19’s beginning is part of God’s judgment on America and on New York for the sin of killing our children.

“There is hardly any crime or sin that’s so responsible for the destruction of nations,” Cahn says. “We have 60 million children who are not here today. The blood is on our hands.”

Cahn is relying on more than independent prophecy when he says this. He’s looking deeply into Scripture to see how and why God judges nations. He believes God’s judgment on America is a repeat of how He initially judged Israel, when it was still a nation.

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