Jonathan Cahn to Reveal Stunning, Long-Hidden Prophetic Images in New ‘Harbinger’ Motion Picture

Jonathan Cahn to Reveal Stunning, Long-Hidden Prophetic Images in New ‘Harbinger’ Motion Picture by DEBBIE MARRIEĀ for Charisma News

On May 12 and May 19, 2022, Jonathan Cahn’s new motion picture, The Harbingers of Things to Come, will premiere in movie theaters nationwide. Near the end of the movie, he will reveal a sequence of prophetic images kept hidden for years.

Cahn has had the images in his possession for some time but has never publicly released them as he does with the movie’s release. Though the specific content of the images has not been revealed, Cahn, for the first time, now gives us clues about what will appear on the screen in the new motion picture.

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“In the Bible, God gives images, symbols, visions, glimpses of things yet to come, prophetic foreshadows,” the bestselling author says. “The difference here is that, in this case, they were actually captured on film.

“In ancient times, it was the watchmen who saw the first glimpses of coming events, coming danger, approaching judgment,” Cahn explains. “Those glimpses were often first seen from the walls of the city gate. The gate of America is New York Cityā€”and most specifically, the Statue of Liberty. And that’s where the prophetic images appeared.

“It happened at the pedestal of the statue,” he says. “The images appeared in the midst of a gathering of believers who had come there as they had a strong sense that something major was going to happen.

“The first image appeared while one of the leaders there sounded the shofar to New York City,” Cahn says. “It was captured on-camera. Those present didn’t realize what had happened until they later saw the pictures. When they did realize it, everyone was astounded. It was precise, exact and stunning. In the movie, this is the image that will be shown first.

“The second image isn’t so much one image but severalā€”a sequence of images,” he adds. “It was captured by a second person using a video camera. It happened while the man who had sounded the shofar was praying for America and chanting an ancient Hebrew blessing. Only later, when the group looked at the video, did they realize what had appeared. It was a different image or series of images. It was even more graphic and stunning. Those who saw it could hardly speak.

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