Israeli study provides strong new evidence that vitamin D has unique ability to fend off COVID-19

Israeli study provides strong new evidence that vitamin D has unique ability to fend off COVID-19 By  for Nutrients

A newly published study by Israeli scientists confirms — again — that there are natural ways to fight back against COVID-19 without resorting to harmful and useless vaccines.

According to peer-reviewed research published in the journal PLOS One last week, Israeli scientists said they have found the most compelling and convincing evidence to date that boosting vitamin D levels helps people who have contracted the virus dramatically reduce the risk of serious illness or death, The Times of Israel reports.

Scientists from Bar Ilan University and the Galilee Medical Center said that vitamin D actually has such a major impact on lessening the severity of the illness that they can predict how infected people will respond to the virus based on their levels of the vitamin and their age, the report continued.

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And to that point, lacking in vitamin D greatly increase the danger of becoming seriously ill or dying from COVID, the researchers note.

The Times Of Israel notes further:

The study is based on research conducted during Israel’s first two waves of the virus, before vaccines were widely available, and doctors emphasized that vitamin supplements were not a substitute for vaccines, but rather a way to keep immunity levels from falling.

Vitamin D deficiency is endemic across the Middle East, including in Israel, where nearly four in five people are low on the vitamin, according to one study from 2011. By taking supplements before infection, though, the researchers in the new Israeli study found that patients could avoid the worst effects of the disease.

“We found it remarkable, and striking, to see the difference in the chances of becoming a severe patient when you are lacking in vitamin D compared to when you’re not,” said Dr. Amiel Dror, a Galilee Medical Center physician and Bar Ilan researcher who took part in the study.

Dror went on to say that the team’s study took place before the omicron variant began to spread, but he added that doesn’t matter because COVID-19 does not fundamentally change between variants to negate the effectiveness of vitamin D in fending off serious illness.

“What we’re seeing when vitamin D helps people with COVID infections is a result of its effectiveness in bolstering the immune systems to deal with viral pathogens that attack the respiratory system,” he told the Israeli news outlet. “This is equally relevant for Omicron as it was for previous variants.”

The data on how well boosting vitamin D levels can treat or prevent COVID-19 has not been widely reported, though health officials in Israel and a number of other countries have been recommending it for quite some time. But of course, most of Western society is unduly influenced by a corrupt corporate media industry and Big Pharma, both of which are in bed with authoritarian deep staters and politicians who have a vested interest in keeping people misinformed and hooked on treatments that produce profits.

For instance, last June researchers published what were preliminary findings at the time, indicating that 26 percent of COVID-19 patients died if they were deficient in vitamin D right before being hospitalized. That compared with just 3 percent who had sufficient or normal levels of the vitamin.

“They also determined that hospitalized patients who were vitamin D deficient were 14 times more likely, on average, to end up in severe or critical condition than others,” The Times of Israel reported, adding: “While the scientific community recognized the importance of the results, questions arose as to whether recent health conditions among the patients might have been skewing the results.”

Some researchers suggested that perhaps vitamin D deficiency was a side effect of coronavirus and that by causing levels to fall, that made patients more susceptible to serious infection and death.

But Dror’s team answered that question by delving deeper into the data, examining each patient’s vitamin D levels over the course of two years prior to infection.

“They found that the strong correlation between sufficient vitamin D levels and ability to fight the coronavirus still held, and the level of increased danger in their preliminary findings remained almost identical,” the outlet reported.

It’s true: Low-cost all-natural treatments for COVID-19 are every bit as effective as any Big Pharma treatment. If our country had honest media, this would be front-page news for days.

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