Planned Parenthood Puts 86% of Its Abortion Facilities in Minority Neighborhoods

Planned Parenthood Puts 86% of Its Abortion Facilities in Minority Neighborhoods by Micaiah Bilger for Life News

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New research from the Life Issues Institute confirmed yet again that Planned Parenthood is targeting minority mothers and unborn babies for abortions.

Townhall reports it found that 86 percent of Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities are located in or near African American and Latino neighborhoods. The research analyzed 2010 Census data about the populations surrounding 79 Planned Parenthood abortion facilities located in the 25 counties in the U.S. with the most abortions.

“Although these 25 reflect just 1 percent of all U.S. counties, they accounted for 30 percent of all abortions in the U.S. in 2014. According to the Guttmacher Institute, over 275,000 pre-born babies were killed by abortion in these counties that year,” according to the research.

The research found that the abortion chain added 20 new abortion facilities in these 25 counties between 2010 and 2018, a 35-percent increase, according to Townhall.

Planned Parenthood’s largest abortion facilities also appear to target black and Latino neighborhoods. According to 2017 research by Life Issues Institute, 88 percent of Planned Parenthood’s 25 mega abortion facilities are located within walking distance of black and/or Latino neighborhoods.

According to its new research:

– 49 percent (585 of 1189) of all zip codes within five miles of the facilities had targeted minority populations that are at least twice the national average for blacks or for Hispanics/Latinos.

– Of these 585 “targeted” zip codes, 82 percent have minority populations greater than 50 percent, indicating robust minority communities near these facilities.

– In fact, black targeted zip codes in these counties have an average 55 percent black population and Hispanic/Latino targeted zip codes have an average 58 percent Hispanic/Latino population.

– 75 percent of the abortion facilities are located within or adjacent to one of these “targeted” minority zip codes. These communities are then a short walk or ride away from Planned Parenthood’s aggressive abortion-marketing tactics and thus presumably experience a higher abortion risk.

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