God’s Objective for Us Doesn’t Include Having ‘Nice Days’ by Pastor, Greg Laurie for Harvest
We have all heard the expression many times: “Have a nice day.” It’s a classic Americanism. But what does it mean to have a nice day? I guess it’s having a day that is void of any problems, a day in which there is no sickness, no conflict, and no hardship. It’s a day that is, well, basically nice.
That is even how some people portray God. They think of Him as a Santa Claus-like figure who smiles benignly from Heaven, wants us to be healthy and wealthy, and tells us to have a nice day.
But is that really the picture that the Bible gives us of God? I’m not suggesting that God cannot bless us with health, or even a certain degree of wealth. Nor am I suggesting that God will not bring happiness into our lives, because He will. But that is not God’s aim.
God’s Goal and Our Role
God’s objective in our lives is to be glorified and to make us more like Jesus Christ. Thus, our goal should be to become like Jesus Christ and to glorify Him. Our goal in life shouldn’t be happiness, but holiness. The good news is that one will follow the other, because holy people are happy people.
But to be holy, it means that we’ll have to go through some trials, some hardships and some suffering.
Some would suggest that if you suffer, if you’re going through hardship, it is the result of your own sin. They suggest that if you just had more faith, this would not be happening to you. Those wrong ideas are not new. They go all the way back to the oldest book in the Bible, the book of Job.