Bill Gates’ Dream to Control the Planet through the World Health Organization is Becoming Closer to Reality by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
From time to time I get emails from people asking me to cover some story or video about Bill Gates and his influence in global vaccine production and distribution, and I usually reply by asking the person who is emailing the information if they have first searched for “Bill Gates” on Health Impact News, because we have been covering Bill Gates’ role behind global vaccination programs, mainly by buying a controlling interest in the World Health Organization, for over a decade now.
If you search for “Bill Gates” on Health Impact News, it will return a result of 318 articles (319 when this one is published).
On April 8, 2020, when were were just weeks into the COVID Plandemic, I published an article titled:
Who is Controlling the U.S. Response to COVID19: The White House or Bill Gates?
where I presented very strong evidence that Bill Gates was controlling U.S. policy regarding COVID-19, and not Donald Trump or the White House. It was published the day after President Trump announced that the United States would no longer support the World Health Organization.
Here are some excerpts:
President Trump started his current job as President of the United States in January of 2017. Based on the upcoming elections of November 2020, his job will end either in January of 2021, or January of 2025. His job is a temporary job, lasting either 4 years, or 8 years at the most.
Bill Gates, on the other hand, is not an elected official. As one of the wealthiest persons on the planet, he has influenced public health policy for decades, spanning the administration of several U.S. Presidents.
He is not going to end his job anytime soon, and it is doubtful that there is any entity on earth powerful enough to force him to do so.
Yesterday, April 7, 2020, President Trump announced that the United States may no longer support the World Health Organization (WHO), because he believes that this organization has handled the Coronavirus pandemic wrongly. He stated that the World Health Organization receives more funding from the United States than any other country.
That may be true as far as countries go, but nobody contributes more to the World Health Organization than Bill Gates does, either directly through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or through other organizations and enterprises he funds.
Bill Gates is richer and more powerful than most countries in the world, and he is accountable to nobody.
So what is his ultimate purpose in the COVID19 response that he has crafted, and that has crippled the economy of not only the United States, but virtually every other country of the world as well?
While it may seem like an eternity ago, when the White House COVID19 Task Force was setup just a little over 3 weeks ago, the recommendation was for all Americans to “lock down” for 15 days and practice social distancing, among other things.
As we watched with horror, the U.S. economy come to a screeching halt, and President Trump seemed to prepare the American public to go back to work and resume normal activities in the midst of the Coronavirus fear. The statement he kept telling us was: