The month of May is a perfect time to pray the Rosary against our culture of death

The month of May is a perfect time to pray the Rosary against our culture of death by Susan Ciancio and American Life League for Life Site News

Pray the Rosary and involve your family. Don’t be embarrassed to pray in front of others or to advocate prayer.

“Let’s do the Rosary together. And stay prayed up. You gotta stay prayed up.” Mark Wahlberg posted that message on Instagram a few days ago.

Though the phrasing made me chuckle a bit, the sentiment is spot on. Wahlberg, who plays Fr. Stu in the movie of the same name, is also now leading the Rosary on the Hallow app. He created that Instagram video to encourage people to pray.

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Like so many of us, he understands that our country, our society, and our families need prayers every day.

Wahlberg is one of the few in Hollywood who is not afraid to stand up for his faith. While others are worrying about what they wear, or who’s dating or slapping whom, Walhberg is advocating for prayer, for Mass attendance, and for a dedication to the Rosary.

It’s a perfect message, especially as we draw nearer the end of April and begin May—a month devoted to our Blessed Mother.

It’s said that the Rosary is one of the greatest spiritual weapons we could possibly have. Many people — especially non-Catholics — don’t understand that. They haven’t seen the beauty of the Rosary, heard of the miracles, or read about Fatima where Our Lady urged us to pray the Rosary.

I find it both refreshing and inspiring that a star like Wahlberg would encourage people to pray the Rosary. We desperately need people who aren’t afraid to stand up and encourage prayer. We need their examples, and then we need to become that example for others, especially our families.

Seeing Wahlberg’s video reminded me of Fr. Patrick Peyton and his plea for families to say the Rosary together. Fr. Patrick was a graduate of Notre Dame and a friend and classmate of my late-great-uncle and fellow CSC priest Robert Lochner. My Uncle Bob helped him launch his radio program that would eventually have as one of its mottos “The Family That Prays Together Stays Together.”

It all began with Fr. Peyton’s desire to see 10 million families pray the Rosary. He knew that the best way to get his message out was through television and radio, and he was able to persuade a television producer to give him airtime.

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