A Series Of “Mega Disasters” Could Make This A Catastrophic Year For Food Production In The United States

A Series Of “Mega Disasters” Could Make This A Catastrophic Year For Food Production In The United States by  for End of the American Dream

What I am about to share with you is extremely disturbing.  There are some that don’t want to hear bad news like this, but most people would rather know what is coming so that they can prepare for it.  As I have been documenting on my websites for months, we were already heading for a nightmarish global food crisis even before the war in Ukraine erupted.  Fertilizer prices have risen to absolutely absurd heights, and this is going to depress agricultural production all over the planet in 2022.  And of course the war in Ukraine has now made this emerging crisis a whole lot worse, because Russia and Ukraine collectively account for approximately 30 percent of all global wheat exports under normal conditions.  So with everything that has been going on, it is absolutely imperative that we have a good growing season here in the United States this year.  Unfortunately, it appears that a series of “mega disasters” is going to prevent that from happening.

In recent days, a number of people have written to me about the bizarre storms and unusually cold temperatures that we have been witnessing in our agricultural heartland.  Winter has stuck around a lot longer than usual in the middle of the country, and this has prevented large numbers of Midwest farmers from planting their crops in a timely manner

In the last several weeks, farmers in the Northern Plains have been battered by blizzards, winter storms, high winds, and extreme flooding. These weather phenomena have delayed farmers from plantings in high-producing crop regions. Every week plantings are delayed, the harvest yield shrinks, and this comes at a precarious time as the global food supply chain is fracturing.

Private weather forecasters and ag specialist BAMWX warned about delayed plantings across the Northern Plains to Midwest to the Ohio Valley. Some farmers might not be able to plant until at least May as widespread above-average moisture, and widespread well below average temperatures inhibit farmers from working their fields.

Unfortunately, we still haven’t gotten a break in the weather.

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In fact, forecasters were warning that temperatures would be plunging near all-time record lows in Ohio on Wednesday and Thursday

The National Weather Service has issued a freeze warning from 10 p.m. Wednesday to 9 a.m. Thursday with temperatures dipping into the 20s across the region.

Some areas could see temperatures as low as 25 degrees.

The weather service warns temperatures this cold could kill crops, sensitive plants and even damage outdoor plumbing.

A shorter growing season will mean less crops harvested in the fall.

And that is really bad news.

In the western third of the nation, the big news is the ongoing drought that continues to severely hurt agricultural production.

On Thursday, we learned that the water level in Lake Mead has dropped so low that one of the original intake valves is now visible for the first time ever

The West is in the grips of a climate change-fueled megadrought, and Lake Mead — the largest manmade reservoir in the country and a source of water for millions of people — has fallen to an unprecedented low.

The lake’s plummeting water level has exposed one of the reservoir’s original water intake valves for the first time, officials say.

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