Russia Cuts Off Gas Pipeline To 2 NATO Nations In Dramatic Escalation Of Tensions Leading Speculation On Expansion Of Conflict Across Europe By
for Now The End BeginsNatural gas prices in Europe shot up 25% before the market opened Wednesday and then eased off but remained significantly higher. The gas cuts do not immediately put the countries into dire trouble since they have worked on getting alternative sources for several years now and the continent is heading into summer, making gas less essential for households. Yet the move and Kremlin warnings that more nations could be cut off sent shivers of worry through the 27-nation European Union, which immediately convened an emergency meeting.
Russia dramatically escalated its standoff with the West over the war in Ukraine on Wednesday, cutting natural gas off to NATO members Poland and Bulgaria and threatening to disconnect even more nations. European leaders decried the move as “blackmail.”
Every time I hear people talking about how “unhinged” Putin is, and how he is mere steps away from collapsing, it makes me laugh because Putin is amazingly crafty, and has set this thing up incredibly well. It was a Hitlerian move to first get the majority of Europe addicted to his smooth flowing and affordable oil and natural gas before declaring was on Ukraine and daring Europe to do anything about it. This week Putin has started the process of cutting of NATO nations from the Gazprom teat.
“And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil.” Deuteronomy 33:24 (KJB)
Sending in the disposable conscripts instead of using up his actual soldiers is another evil genius move that is reaping benefits for Putin on many levels. As the war in Ukraine drags on, Putin is expanding the conflict zone to areas like neighboring Moldova, with Poland already looking over their shoulders. Hey, remember when Biden turned off the Keystone Pipeline? Look how wonderfully that fits into Putin turning off the pipeline to Europe, think they colluded on that?