Here Are 5 New “Pestilences” That Have Suddenly Appeared Around The Globe by for End of the American Dream
Mysterious new outbreaks of disease are erupting all over the planet. Should we be alarmed? Over the past few years, we have all seen how rapidly an outbreak can spread. A few confirmed cases in one part of the world can become a true global pandemic in just a matter of weeks. And once a pandemic begins, it can be with us indefinitely. After more than two years of fighting COVID, our health authorities are now admitting that it is going to be with us for many years to come. Despite all of our advanced technology, the truth is that we are exceedingly vulnerable. A deadly new bug could come along at any time and kill millions or billions of us, and that is just one of the reasons why we should take any new “mystery illness” very seriously.
With that being said, the following are 5 new “pestilences” that have suddenly appeared around the globe…
#1 “Unexplained Hepatitis”
The World Health Organization is reporting that in less than one month nearly 170 children all over the globe have developed “unexplained hepatitis”…
Nearly 170 children with the unexplained hepatitis have been reported globally since the first case was detected in Scotland at the end of March, according to the World Health Organization. One child has died and at least 17 have needed liver transplants.
Leading virologists fear the real toll of the infection could actually be magnitudes higher because many parents may brush off the warning signs.
If this was something that was just happening on the other side of the globe most Americans wouldn’t pay any attention to it.
But that isn’t the case.
In fact, cases have already started to pop up at various locations around the country…
Some 11 children sick with unexplained hepatitis have been confirmed in the U.S. in recent weeks, with nine cases in Alabama — including two that needed liver transplants — and two in North Carolina. If confirmed, the Illinois cases will take the total to 14.
#2 Japanese Encephalitis
I have briefly mentioned this before, but now the outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in Australia has gotten even worse.
At this point, it is being reported that 11 humans have already been infected…
Experts say Japanese encephalitis will impact pork supply as infected piggeries experience production losses of up to 80 percent. There are now 30 New South Wales piggeries affected by the mosquito-borne virus and 11 people have been infected, with three deaths nationwide according to a new report.
Japanese encephalitis is endemic in other parts of the world, but it has never been seen this far south in Australia. NSW Department of Primary Industries chief veterinary officer Sarah Britton said it had been a stressful time for pig producers. “They have had huge impacts on production — up to 60 to 80 percent of production impacted in some sites,” she said.
#3 Ebola
As if we didn’t have enough problems, now Ebola is back.
In central Africa, at least two people have already died as a result of the latest outbreak…