for Giza Death StarFirst of all I’d like to thank everyone for your indulgence with the fewer blogs last week during Orthodox holy week. Thank you also for continuing to send in such amazing articles. In fact, this has been “one of those weeks” when it is very difficult to make a choice what to blog about… very very difficult, but most of the “rejects” I’ve included in this coming weekend’s “honourable mentions.” In the final analysis, I picked three articles and topics that were the most “high-octane-speculatable.”
This week’s first story appeared in an article sent along by E.E., and it’s one of “those” stories that we’re all accustomed to in the internet age: a sensational rumour, lots of speculation, not much by way of corroborating evidence, and massive implications if true. In this case, however, there does appear to be a bit more by way of corroborating evidence. In any case, the story concerns the possible official use, by the Ukraine, of witchcraft and other occult “methods” in its war against Russia:
Now what intrigues me here – as you might imagine – is the fact that apparently there is some corroboration of the idea that the Ukrainian government, or as is more likely, elements within it, is sponsoring or making use of “occult methods and magic” to attempt to reverse the tide of war fortunes, fortunes which as far as I can tell are not running in Kiev’s favour in spite of the attempts of the western media to portray it otherwise. In this case, having clergy from the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church making the claim on Russian national television is pretty good corroboration, and here’s why: (1) Russian television wouldn’t run anything without government approval, and (2) clergy wouldn’t be appearing on television making such claims without hierarchical approval, and (3) neither the Russian government nor the Russian Church have anything to gain by lying about such a matter.
Which brings us to the final article, where we read this:
Russian news sources have claimed to have uncovered “Satanists from the ‘Forward Observation Group,’” — an alleged U.S. mercenary unit comprised of former military and special operations currently in Ukraine — stating that members of the group “worship the devil in the truest sense of the word.”
These allegations come as recent video from the front lines of the Ukraine conflict shows Russian military forces uncovering what appears to be satanic statues with the face of baphomet, and cult-like paganistic figurines.