Tucker: Not Everyone Was Happy About The Promise of Free Speech

Tucker: Not Everyone Was Happy About The Promise of Free Speech by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

Opening – Maybe the best monologue Tucker Carlson has ever done. ~ Jason Whitlock

98.7% of ALL political donations from the current Twitter employees have gone to democrats – 98.7% is a one sided mindset. 98.7% of anything means there is only voice speaking. Only 95% of all people in the world believe there is a deity of some variety. So, one can see this is a strong number. That is a lot of liberal thought in one room. The conservative lone ranger keeps his mouth shut in fear of losing his job. (The word “his” is being used in the proper English form in this comment. I don’t actually know if the lone conservative at Twitter is a man or a woman, but when speaking, for the past several thousand years, the masculine “his” is how proper English is used – look it up.)

Liberalism is dying. Neoliberalism is dead they just haven’t read the memo and as soon as they do they will see the years spent dying their hair blue, pink, green or whatever color, has only given them brain damage as the chemicals from those dyes have sept into their brain and reworked the wiring. No one is coming to save them, provide them with a safe space, a cry closet or a free student loan for gender studies of the African swallow. No one cares. We will, however, help them with the mental illness that is rapidly spreading and causing our once great nation to suffer greatly. We need mentally healthy people in order for our society to function properly. We need mentally healthy people in order to create healthy families with a mom, dad and children all at home, getting along and growing together in Jesus Christ. We need a lot more families looking out for one another and lot less men fertilizing eggs and hitting the road. Johnny Appleseed is no longer necessary or needed. We need dad’s to take responsibility for their actions. We need men to be dad’s to their children and women to be mom’s to their children and we need both men and women to be husband and wife with one another. [Continued below donations.]

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If your voice is silenced who would hear you scream for help as the tyrants invade your home to kill you and your family? See our southern border, beginning in 2010, for absolute evidence.

Working with men at a rehab house the damage of the past fifty plus years of neoliberalism, “free love” and the sexual revolution are all right in your face. It is very clear what the problem is and, equally as clear, a major part of the solution to the drug problem as well. Family. Specifically, dad’s at home being dad’s is a theme that is major part of all – 100% – of the men I have counseled over the past year. During that time after speaking with upwards of thirty men, the thread that runs throughout is no dominate male figure in the house. Their is no “home” merely a house where people share space, a shower and occasionally eat together. Yes, it is an extremely small sample, but I would bet my last dollar this thread will continue to run throughout with all the men as long as I continue in this particular rehab house or any other rehab house where men are recovering from compulsive, addictive behaviors.

Free speech is a cornerstone of our society. If we are not allowed to tell people they are making mistakes and have a debate about the mistake in question how do we fix anything? How do we change course when there is only one voice allowed to speak? How can we change course when the only course that is known is one created people that want to enslave us through our lack of free speech? Free speech is that iimportant. Free speech is where we can discuss your ideas and compare them with my ideas. Free speech makes this possible. When everyone is called a racist, a nazi or a hater everyone gets quiet out of fear of being called a bad name. People are done with the fear. People no longer care if they are called an ugly name, because we all know it is a lie. Our society will not heal unless free speech is fully restored and neoliberalism is buried for good. We pray that funeral is a lot sooner than later.

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