Christians should ask God for grace instead of signs, wonders By Oscar Amaechina, Op-ed Contributor for The Christian Post
There is a trend in the body of Christ that is not healthy for the spiritual growth of believers. Many these days are seeking miracles, signs, and wonders at the expense of their spiritual growth. Gospel preachers have concentrated so much on miracle crusades and meetings that even older saints have joined in to pursue signs and wonders. This trend has retarded the progression of many Christians and has permanently made them spiritual babies.
I have carefully looked at the Scriptures and observed that all the miracles that were performed by Christ and the Apostles were to demonstrate the power of God among unbelievers and new converts. Christianity is dynamic. At the early-stage miracles are released by God to prove and demonstrate His power to us. But as we continue to grow, there comes a time that all we need is sufficient grace to navigate through the difficulties, challenges, persecutions, and reproaches that are associated with Christianity.
When I first came to Christ, I observed that as soon as I finished praying, I usually received answers, especially in areas of personal healing and provision. As I continued, I also noticed that the rate at which God answered my prayers was diminishing especially on matters that concern my comfort and well-being. At times I felt as if God has abandoned me. At a stage, I concluded that God was not interested in my comfort but wanted me to suffer for following Him. I then embarked on scriptural research and discovered that all I needed was sufficient grace and not miraculous healing and provisions.
Paul was a great instrument in the hand of God. He performed so many notable miracles but was sick and never got miraculous healing. He cried to God for healing but God never healed him. Rather, He gave him sufficient grace: “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me” (2 Corinthians12:9). When Paul prayed for Trophimus for healing without result, he left him and continued his missionary journey. “Erastus stayed in Corinth, and I left Trophimus sick in Miletus” (2 Timothy 4:20).