Radical Far-Left Eco-Activist Group Extinction Rebellion Holds Earth Day Rally In Washington Celebrating Religion Of Wicca And Earth Worship

Radical Far-Left Eco-Activist Group Extinction Rebellion Holds Earth Day Rally In Washington Celebrating Religion Of Wicca And Earth Worship By  for Now The End Begins

Earth Day, first designated as an annual event in 1970, has origins that go back to ancient forms of paganism. For instance, nature worship or “earth religion” includes forms of paganism, such as “animism” (a worldview that all animals and plants have a spirit), “Wicca” (worship of earth mother goddess by magic), and “druidism” (the natural world is synonymous with divinity). According to Refinery 29, Earth Day is a “sacred holiday” and “a chance for Pagans to show gratitude to nature.” In that sense, “every day is Earth Day,” Pagan author Deborah Blake claimed.

Extinction Rebellion Leftists celebrated Earth Day on Friday in Washington by using it as a political wedge to cudgel those whom they oppose into compliance.

The radical Far-Left is not against worship, religion, or bowing down to deity, just as long as it’s not the God of the Bible. In fact, Earth Day is when their darkness seems to shine the brightest, as they become the Romans 1 ‘fools’ that worship the creature more than the Creator. Today the pagan crazies were out in full swing, paying homage to their dirt mother. Pope Francis is a Gaia worshipper, too.

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“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”Romans 1:22,23 (KJB)

Make no mistake about it, the priests and witches of the modern-day Climate Change movement are absolutely preaching a religion, and demand that you worship by faith all the screwball proclamations they make. Groups like Extinction Rebellion look and act like they just fell out of a Chick tract. God is going to blow this old sin-cursed world to pieces in 2 Peter 3:10-13(KJB), and until then, it’s not going anywhere. There is no such thing as man-made Climate Change, the oceans are not rising, and new ice is forming all the time in the Antarctic.

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