Biden’s Failures Highlight How Federal Government Is Too Big by David Harsanyi for The Daily Signal
Candidate Joe Biden promised to solve our problems and restore faith in the American government. Today, he is one of the least popular presidents in history. And CNN’s John Harwood, perhaps the most sycophantic flunky of the Democratic Party not on the company payroll, says that Biden is a victim of circumstances, facing problems that are beyond solving.
Maybe Biden, who promised to “shut down the virus” rather than the country, shouldn’t be taking credit for every job that’s been “created” by reopening a healthy economy largely shut down by government mandates that Democrats supported and encouraged.
It must be nice taking ownership of only the positive outcomes you had nothing to do with. But the pandemic, which virtually every nation struggled to overcome, was not Donald Trump’s doing. Nor was the housing market crisis George W. Bush’s. That never stopped liberals from blaming them.
That’s political reality. Yet, in this case, Biden did plenty to aggravate the embedded problems we faced by pushing historically gratuitous spending bills and hard-left policy ideas, rather than showing any basic competence for the job.
“There’s not much he can do to stop migrants from reaching America’s southern border,” Harwood contends. Well, not now. During his campaign, Biden’s critique of Trump’s tightening of the border was not that it was poorly administered but that it undermined American values. You can take any position you like, but it was clear that Democrats were going to trigger a crush on the border.
Even before he was inaugurated, The Washington Post editorial board, certainly no hawks on the matter, warned Biden that he “need[ed] to restore American values to immigration policy without triggering a border surge.”