Oligarchs Will Not Save Us

Oligarchs Will Not Save Us by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall

I like Elon Musk’s style, his refusal to conform to the dictates of the dictators, and his cool sci-fi villain’s name, but here’s the thing – I am under no illusions that Elon Musk is going to save us. A visionary thinker? Yep. A useful ally? Sure. But the guy who is going to save America? Nope. That’s not his intention and that’s not how this works. We gotta save ourselves.

Elon Musk is useful for discrete tasks that require both money and testicular fortitude, like trying to buy Twitter. Throwing off the censorship of Cupertino’s Dolores Umbridge corps – there’s a reference for you Harry Potter virgins – will be invaluable not primarily because it will allow the shunned the chance to tweet again, but because it will cheer our side and demoralize the enemy. Remember, our elite enemy is desperately trying to stick its soft, girlish fingers in the narrative dike to plug up the leaks of unapproved thought that keeps spilling out. The ruling caste knows it maintains its sinecure not by persuasion but by power; if they can’t silence and subdue us, they’ll be trampled in the stampede to those who actually can adequately perform the job of running society. That’s why suddenly free speech has morphed into a threat to democracy. And, of course, democracy is also a threat to democracy.

Now, let’s be clear who we are talking about or, rather, who we aren’t. Donald Trump is not one of these oligarchs. He was a celebrity with a personal brand built over the years. Yeah, he was a rich guy with his own plane, plenty of real estate, and top-shelf arm-candy, but he was also tight with a buck. Trump’s impact came from taking his place at the head of an orphan political movement no one else had the vision to lead. It did not come from him opening up his checkbook.

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Money can be extremely helpful even though it is not a substitute for political leadership. The Elon Musks and the Peter Thiels and the rest of the not-left rich guys can be useful at times, but they are not conservative ideologues like us. It is not that they do not have a comprehensive political vision. It is that, except for Trump and maybe Ross Perot, they are not positioned to become the avatar of one out there in the electorate that existing pols have failed to claim and harness.

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