The Globalists War Upon Our Children And America’s Descent Into A Modern Day Sodom And Gomorrah

The Globalists War Upon Our Children And America’s Descent Into A Modern Day Sodom And Gomorrah By Alan Barton – All News PipeLine

In Christianity, a red string bracelet indicates the blood of Christ, or as a symbol of fire, meaning the Holy Spirit.  Possibly generated by Genesis 38:28 where (beginning with verse 27) “[27And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb. [28And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first”.  Although I do not remember hearing of that use of wearing a red thread bracelet before, it does not surprise me as people do a lot of things that are considered symbolic or even an item of ritual significance.  For instance, in Buddhism it represents remembering you vows of compassion.  In Hinduism it represents Kalava, a protection of a kingdom.  It is also represented in many cultures, but the one I need to mention right now is in Kabbalah; an occult symbol of warding off evil eyes and other curses of evil.  Most of those seen in this nation are of this sort and worn by a lot of entertainment and other popular type folks.  Part of the ceremony of putting one on is the Ben Borat prayer which invokes that occult protection.  Supposedly a tool of protection since early Judaism, it follows that Kabbalah is an early mystical form of Judaism and is also linked to the tomb of Rachel, the mother of Joseph.  Some call it Baphomets red string (keep that in mind)  while it also signifies the sacrificial goat as having one red cord tied to its leg to identify it was the “scape goat” use in Hebrew sacrifice for atonement of sins.  But the Chinese just call it the string of fate.

Although it is traditionally worn on the left wrist, which as our Lord said, His sheep are on His right hand, while the goats are on His left.  So much for representing any indications of any sort of righteousness I would think.

It is also a big deal in witchcraft (also linked with Kabbalah), and is tied with seven knots representing different spiritual dimensions, and when it falls off it means you have absorbed enough bad energy. Expanding on this witchcraft connection, in evil or Satanic witchcraft, the color red represents the energy of Mars, the element of fire, and “can represent anger, rage, blood, desire, lust, passion, and the energy of action. It can also represent leadership or influence. For Satanists, a spell performed with the color red, can represent sexual desire, revenge, and aggressive magic.”  An interesting article I found on the “Kushner brides and Messianic Kabbalah” said  “The thing with the Kushner’s is they are not requiring their daughter-in-laws to simply convert to a secular form of Judaism, no, they want them to be adherents to Hasidic Chabadism, a form of Judaism that practices Jewish mysticism called Kabbalahwhich includes the WEF Young Global Leaders graduate Ivanka Trump.  Do not be deceived into believing that this is some standard new age mumbo jumbo, but to quote again from that article, “What people don’t know is the connection Kabbalah has to the arrival of the Jewish messiah. The founder of the Kabbalah Center Rabbi Philip Berg writing before his death in 2013, said this in relation to the Kabbalah and the coming messiah

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The Satan, in his attempt to create resistance to Kabbalah and all that it has to offer, finds confusion his most important and significant tool. More specifically, the single concept through which the Satan has been most suc­cessful in fostering confusion is the popular concept of Messiah. In the Satan’s desire to maintain a world filled with pain and suffering, he has surrounded this concept with corrup­tion, misinterpretation, and ideas fundamentally in conflict with the true meaning of Messiah”.

That is a bit unclear, but the final words in this article says what the bottom line is with this cabal (or should I say, Kabbalah) and it means;
Unlike the Kushner girls who choose a mafia-like mystery cult over Jesus Christ, I beg everyone reading this to search their souls, this cult is very real. All of this could be written off as conspiracy if it wasn’t so overtly practiced and flaunted by the elite and celebrities of the world. Every time you see celebrities throwing handsigns of a pyramid and wrapping their performances in occult symbology you are seeing the power this cult has over the world.

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