Walking Barefoot Can Improve Your Health And There Is Science To Back It Up

Walking Barefoot Can Improve Your Health And There Is Science To Back It Up By Mayukh Saha for Natural Blaze

“Earthing,” also known as walking barefoot, has transformed from a playful trend to a scientific practice with a plethora of health advantages. It was seen to increase antioxidants in the body, improving sleep and reducing inflammation.

Let us look a little deeper into the benefits, but first let’s examine the theory behind walking barefoot.

Walking Barefoot: An Introduction

Walking Barefoot or earthing, is just walking on grass, sand, or soil barefoot. You need to get off the sidewalk and place your feet on a natural surface.

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Studies show that the benefits came from the somatic relationship with the electrons in the Earth.

Our planet has its own charge and we do better when we are in direct contact with this charge.

Now, let us look at its benefits.

The Benefits Of Walking Barefoot

A paper published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health highlighted how absorbing electrons from the planet can improve one’s health.

In another, patients suffering from chronic pain used grounded carbon fiber mattresses and were observed to have better sleep and fewer pains.

Another study discovered that walking barefoot altered the electrical activity of the brain, as measured by EEG. Other benefits that were observed included skin conductivity, moderated heart rate variability, improved glucose regulation, reduced stress, and supported immune function.

We have presented some potential benefits in detail:

1: Better Sleep

As per this study, if you are suffering from insomnia then try walking in the park instead of taking pills. You can also present it and improve your sleep cycle, by walking barefoot on grass for approximately 30 minutes, every morning.

2: Can Reduce Inflammation

Earthing can improve the functioning of your organs. This can be multi-fold. One can be due to reflexology, the next can be that you’re getting vitamin D from sunlight (anti-inflammatory property), and lastly, due to the electrons of the magnetic field of the Earth.

3: Can Regulate Your Heart’s Health

Walking barefoot on grass can also help you synchronize your heartbeat. This has several benefits that range from regulating your body’s temperature to hormone secretion.

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