Man Sees Through Supernatural Circumstances After 18 Years of Blindness

Man Sees Through Supernatural Circumstances After 18 Years of Blindness by CATHY COPPOLA for Charisma News

Blind man, can you see?

“What do you want Me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51, NKJV). This was the question Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus.

The realm of the Spirit is charged with supernatural manifestations for you to receive and walk in as a believer. It’s time the price for your healing was paid in full!

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Henry had been blind in his right eye for 18 years when his daughter reached out to me, asking if I could pray for him.

It was a quick prayer. I was only on the phone with Henry for a few minutes when this man who could not see a thing began seeing light from his blind eye. A miracle indeed!

Then he saw his daughter’s face! He was being restored to full vision as I sat on the other end of the phone hundreds of miles away.

In the realm of the Spirit, time and distance are not factors, but connectivity to the King of kings and the Lord of lords is key!

Are you a born-again believer who wants to walk in the power of God to heal the sick?

Do you yourself need healing?

The power of God to heal is present in Him, not outside of Him. Supernatural healing occurs when you walk connected to Jesus.

Expect more, receive more.

Expect less, receive less.

Are you ready to walk in His power?

Are you ready to receive your healing?

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