Gambling Recovery: Great Short Speaker with 15 Years of Recovery Explains 12-Steps!!
In April of 1992 Tom had a rough three year run, he was starting to hit his bottom, and he was beginning to hate who he saw in the mirror. He would lie, cheat, and steal, just to gamble, shortly before god gave him the gift of desperation. Thoughts of suicide were very prevalent and real for Tom S., until he finally reached out to GA hotline.
For the first time he went to a meeting because he wanted help, not to get a judge or a spouse of his back. A true miracle happened when he read the 12-Steps and they finally made sense, Tom found he only had a choice whether or not to gamble, as long as he didn’t place the first bet.
He says the reason he has been successful ever since he walked into that meeting, is because he had already experienced the first three steps, before he walked through the doors. The First Step was easy, he had all kinds of examples that he was a compulsive gambler, and that his life had become unmanageable. He wanted a solution, thought GA had one, leading him to work the Second Step. The Third Step decision was made when decided to take the direction of the program, without debate, and when he decided not to argue with the literature.
He didn’t take well to the Fourth Step inventory, described in the GA literature, resulting in anger and frustration for Tom. He decided to attend a 4th step guided workshop, which was a major turning point in his recovery. He found that the 4th and 5th steps gave him all the information needed, to work the the remaining steps.