The End Of Civilization As We Know It Is Coming – And That Is Actually Really Good News

The End Of Civilization As We Know It Is Coming – And That Is Actually Really Good News by  for End of the American Dream

Having the proper perspective can completely change how you view the future.  Yes, without a doubt the past few years have been very rough.  The COVID pandemic ushered in an alarming new era in 2020, 2021 was even worse, and now 2022 has added a major global food crisis, a horrifying bird flu pandemic and the biggest land war in Europe since World War II.  Unfortunately, the truth is that things will get even worse in the months and years ahead.  To many people that sounds like really bad news, but it actually isn’t.

We desperately need someone to hit the “reset button”.  Our culture has been swirling down the toilet for decades, but during the last few years that process seems to have greatly accelerated.

If people from 50 or 60 years ago were exposed to our society today, they would be absolutely horrified by what has happened to us.  But many of us think that everything is just fine, because we have gradually become desensitized to the utter depravity that is all around us.

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We are like the proverbial frog in the kettle.  If you try to put a frog directly into boiling water, it will jump right out.  But if you put a frog into lukewarm water and slowly turn the heat up, it will not realize what is happening until it is too late.

At this point, our society resembles a giant open sewer, and it is getting worse with each passing day.  But the good news is that everything is going to be cleaned up and set right.  However, before that happens our world is going to get to experience the full consequences of all the evil that it has so eagerly embraced.

So it is okay to have mixed emotions about the signs of the end times that are happening all around us.  On one hand, the years ahead are going to be increasingly challenging as global events continue to spiral out of control.

On the other hand, all of these events are indications that Jesus is coming back soon, and that should absolutely thrill all of us.

As the signs of the last days continue to be fulfilled, we will want to continuously keep a very close eye on Israel.  On Monday, the Jerusalem Post actually published an editorial that openly called for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in the Holy City…

Palestinian terrorists are getting scared as Jews are getting serious about restoring our holy of holies, the site we pray towards every day, and the building we beseech God for repeatedly throughout our liturgy.

On a national level, the rebuilding of the Temple would be a great humiliation to Palestinian terror groups, but on a religious level, the construction of Judaism’s Third Temple would in no way pose a threat to Islam, whose main religious holy sites are in Mecca and Medina.

And I found it quite noteworthy that the rabbi that penned this piece actually suggested that the rebuilding of the Temple could be part of a “future peace plan between Israel and her Arab neighbors”…

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