Study finds unvaccinated people are healthier than the vaccinated by: Ethan Huff for Natural News
Are vaccines safe and effective? Not according a 2011 studycommissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Instead of conferring lasting immune protection against disease as claimed, vaccines like the vitamin K shot, as one example, actually degrade immunity and lead to worse health outcomes than if the person remained unvaccinated.
In fact, people who are unvaccinated tend to be healthier overall than vaccinated people. This goes against the grain of prevailing Western beliefs about vaccines.
Upon investigating the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the HHS study researchers found that “vaccine adverse events are common.” The same report concluded that “less than one percent of vaccine side effects are ever reported.”
You probably did not hear about this study because, of course, it was widely censored and ignored.
Dubbed the Control Group Pilot Study, the paper was explained by Joy Garner, the group’s founder, like this: “The vaccine marketing slogan ‘safe’ has always depended upon the disproven adjective ‘rare’ in reference to side effects. In the American Restatement (Second) of Torts 402A (comment k) vaccines are formally classified as ‘unavoidably unsafe.’
“But we are told vaccines are ‘safe.’ Vaccines are not only unsafe, they are ‘unavoidably’ so. And the injuries are common, a minimum of 100 times more common than the VAERS will report.
“The fact our obscenely abusive laws currently protect the pharmaceutical industry from any consequences for this fraud, and from the injuries it commonly causes, does not alter the dictionary definition of the word fraud. Few people suffer such severe cognitive dissonance that they would still believe vaccines are ‘safe’ once made aware vaccines are ‘unavoidably unsafe’ products that commonly injure, disable, and kill people.”
Children’s Health Defense discovers that unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children
Few scientists in the field of vaccinology are willing to talk about any of this because most of them rely on pharmaceutical industry funding. Consequently, vaccines will always be considered “safe and effective” no matter what the science actually shows.
Most of Western medicine turns a blind eye to the shocking increase in chronic diseases that accompanies a rise in the number of childhood vaccines administered in early youth.
Doctors will often say that that they have “no idea” why there is now an incredible number of children living on the autism spectrum. Persistent allergies are also a “mystery,” even though vaccines contain the very allergenic ingredients (i.e., eggs and peanut oil) that are triggering them.
“This farce keeps their benefactors very happy, but it requires an astounding number of scientifically obtuse ‘experts’ and consistent fraud to sustain it,” said Garner.
Another study published by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Paul Thomas in 2020 arrived at the same conclusion. Children who are protected against the jabs turn out healthier than children whose parents give them the standard Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) schedule.
The CDC is technically required by law to conduct safety studies on childhood vaccines every two years. This was supposed to be happening since 1986, but in 2018 it was discovered that the CDC has never even once performed this legal duty.
“As the leading governmental organization driving vaccination among Americans, the CDC refuses to incriminate itself in the epidemic of childhood chronic illness,” reports the Daily Exposé.
“It is a classic case of the fox guarding the henhouse. They are complicit in creating an evidence vacuum to deliberately manage against the possibility of the public turning against vaccination.”
The result of all this is millions of immune-damaged, fully vaccinated children and adults who now suffer from persistent respiratory infections and other chronic illnesses.