Israel Achieves Historic First With Successful Interception Of Moving Targets Using An Energy-Based Laser Weapons System Much Like ‘Star Wars’

Israel Achieves Historic First With Successful Interception Of Moving Targets Using An Energy-Based Laser Weapons System Much Like ‘Star Wars’ By  for Now The End Begins

“This is a historical moment for weapons systems. For the first time, an energy-based weapons system actually works. I am not talking about ideas, but a system that works,” said Brig.-Gen. Yaniv Rotem, Head of Military R&D in the Defense Ministry. “No one in the world has shown such capabilities. The State of Israel is the first to carry out a live firing attempt. We are in an age of new types of weapons – energy-based weapons. We are there,” he said.

Israel has taken a significant step toward achieving the operational capability of its ground-breaking laser system by carrying out a series of experiments, the Defense Ministry announced Thursday.

In another historic first for the nation of Israel, they have taken the fabled ‘Star Wars’ concept of using laser beams as an offensive weapon, and for the first time ever intercepted moving targets using their new energy-based weapons system. Energy-based weapons like the one used to bring down the Twin Towers on 9/11, known as DEW, have been around for some time but only used against stationary targets like the World Trade Center.

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For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:21 (KJB)

World War 2 was the largest military campaign in human history, and as shocking as World War 1 was at the time, WWII dwarfed it by a factor of ten. So it will be when World War 3 finally erupts, it will be shocking beyond our abilities to comprehend it as we watch it unfold. Guided lasers destroying flying objects, pilotless drones wiping out whole cities, and nuclear bombs unleashed to wreak havoc, WWIII will be one for the record books. But the war that comes after that, the one we see in Revelation 19, Armageddon, will make WWIII seems like a Sunday School picnic. If you’re saved, you will watch that war while seated on a beautiful white horse.

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