Man In The Netherlands Is Right Now Using A Microchip From Biotech Firm Walletmor Implanted In The Back Of His Hand To Buy And Sell

Man In The Netherlands Is Right Now Using A Microchip From Biotech Firm Walletmor Implanted In The Back Of His Hand To Buy And Sell By  for Now The End Begins

“The reactions I get from cashiers are priceless!” says Mr Paumen, a security guard from the Netherlands. He is able to pay using his hand because back in 2019 he had a contactless payment microchip injected under his skin. “The procedure hurts as much as when someone pinches your skin,” says Mr Paumen. Walletmor’s chip, which weighs less than a gram and is little bigger than a grain of rice, is comprised of a tiny microchip and an antenna encased in a biopolymer – a naturally sourced material, similar to plastic.


Patrick Paumen causes a stir whenever he pays for something in a shop or restaurant. This is because the 37-year-old doesn’t need to use a bank card or his mobile phone to pay. Instead, he simply places his hand near the contactless card reader, and the ‘mark of the beast’ payment goes through.

[give_form id="52655"]

When the man of sin is revealed at the Rapture of the Church, and he is transformed into the Son of Perdition, his Mark will finally be presented to a global audience, and guess what the reaction will be? Shock, horror and revulsion? Nope, the Mark of the Beast will be received with all the eagerness and fanfare accorded to the latest iPhone release or newest Marvel blockbuster from Hollywood. How do I know that? Because people are so excited to be implanted with a microchip that they are doing it to themselves right now.

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:4,16,17 (KJB)

The hottest and fast-growing industry in the world today is biotechnology, hardware and software designed to monitor and control functions of the human body, and it is a multi-billion dollar industry. Many of the events of the Plannedemic were geared around floating trials balloons about just how much people would or would not accept. Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Industrial Revolution call it the ‘internet of bodies’ which means exactly what it sounds like. Your body connected to the internet. What is the Mark of the Beast? Your body connected to the internet, allowing you to buy and sell if you have the Mark, and forbidding you if you do not. Now do you know what the Mark of the Beast is? You should, you’re looking right at it. The Mark of the Beast prototype is voluntary now, mandatory when Antichrist arrives. Book your passage on Flight #777 now to avoid the coming nightmare.

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