What Percentage Of Americans Believe That We Are Living In The “End Times”? by for End of the American Dream
There has been so much going on in the world lately, and that has sparked a tremendous amount of chatter about the “end times”. What the Bible has to say about the days just before the return of Jesus Christ to this planet is being discussed all over the Internet, and millions upon millions of people are searching for answers regarding the crazy events that are happening all over the globe. Of course the mainstream media would have us think that only those on the outer fringes of society believe that these are the “end times”, but a brand new survey that was just released suggests otherwise.
The Joshua Fund commissioned a survey that asked respondents to answer some very specific questions about current events. Surprisingly, it turns out that a substantial portion of the population actually believes that events happening in the world today are directly related to Bible prophecy.
For example, this was the very first question that the survey asked…
Do you agree or disagree that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – which has ignited the biggest land war in Europe since World War II – is one of the signs that Jesus spoke of in the Bible when He warned that there would be “wars and rumors of wars” in the “last days” before His return?
Before I reveal the results, I would like for you to guess what percentage of Americans answered this question affirmatively.
Do you think that it would be 10 percent?
Maybe 20 percent?
If you can believe it, nearly 40 percent of those that took the survey responded affirmatively…
- Nearly 4-in-10 Americans (39.8%) said that they agree that the invasion is a sign of Biblical prophecy coming to pass and of the “last days.”
- Nearly the same number – 40.3% – said they disagree.
- Meanwhile, 19.9% said they don’t know.
I was floored when I saw those numbers.
Even though the percentage of Americans that identify as Christians has been steadily declining for many years, 40 percent of Americans currently believe that we are in the period of “wars and rumors of wars” that is described in Matthew 24.
Of course the war that we are witnessing is not just a war between Ukraine and Russia.
In reality, it is a proxy war between the United States and Russia.
The U.S. has been pouring billions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment into Ukraine, it has been giving the Ukrainians real-time intelligence regarding the position of Russian forces, and we have just learned that Ukrainian troops are actually being flown to the United States to be trained.
I realize that last part may be hard for you to believe, but U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin just admitted that this is happening on his Twitter account…
“This morning, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ukrainian troops training in the U.S. who are returning home to Ukraine today. Their bravery and skill are amazing. I made clear the U.S. will continue to provide them with the assistance they need.”
I am extremely concerned about where all of this is heading, because proxy wars have a way of evolving into real wars.
Getting back to the survey, this is the second question that respondents were asked…
Do you agree or disagree that the COVID pandemic that has caused more than six million deaths worldwide is one of the signs that Jesus spoke of in the Bible when He warned that there would be severe “plagues” in the “last days” before His return?