If Americans Can’t Handle The Stress Now, What Will Happen When Global War Causes The Collapse Of Everything?

If Americans Can’t Handle The Stress Now, What Will Happen When Global War Causes The Collapse Of Everything? by  for End of the American Dream

Have you noticed that people are having emotional meltdowns all over the place these days?  As a nation, we have become extremely high-strung and we are so easily offended.  And for many of us, even the slightest thing can trigger an emotional frenzy that can last for days or even weeks.  Obviously, the overall mental health of our nation is not in a good place right now.  People are stressed out about inflation, people are stressed out about the widespread shortages that we have been witnessing, people are stressed out about the war in Ukraine, people are stressed out about politics, and people are stressed out about the COVID pandemic that seems as though it will never end.  In fact, one recent survey discovered that stress levels are at an all-time high for 63 percent of Americans, and the pandemic is being blamed for that…

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Cove by Feelmore Labs, the survey found 63 percent of respondents feel their stress levels are currently at an all-time high due to the pandemic.

I feel so sorry for those that have worn masks and have been scared to go outside for the past two years.

Humans were created to be social creatures, and so isolation can very easily lead to depression.

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The same survey that I referenced above also found that stress is having a very real negative impact on many Americans in a variety of ways

With all of this in mind, 55 percent of respondents agree they’re more burned out now than before the pandemic started. Two out of three of those experiencing burnout say they’re so stressed and burned out that they struggle to focus. In fact, 64 percent feel like nothing can really help them reduce their stress and 58 percent think the healthy coping mechanisms they’ve picked up take too much time out of their day.

All of this stress has created an environment in which people will literally break down over the smallest things.

Many of us have become very fragile emotionally, and this appears to be especially true for a lot of our young people.

Let me give you an example.  A video of a young woman frantically crying because of a cricket infestation in her home has now been viewed more than 5 million times on TikTok.

A lot of people find that video to be extremely humorous, but I find it to be incredibly sad.

If we are going to suffer dramatic emotional meltdowns over such small things, what are we going to do when a global war causes a full-blown societal collapse?

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