Why Palm Sunday Matters

Why Palm Sunday Matters by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall

News Flash: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn asked me to inform Townhall readers about his prophetic movie “The Harbingers of Things to Come.” Watch the trailer, and you’ll want to buy tickets for the May 12 one-night-only showing at theatres throughout the nation. 

Thanks for joining our Palm Sunday Bible study. I am blessed to write about this profound event for the third year and will repeat an amusing personal story. Up until my early twenties, I thought Palm Sunday was about glorifying palm trees, and Good Friday was a Friday in spring that was “good.” My theological excuse is that having been born and raised Jewish, no one ever told me the real meaning of both days, and I never bothered to ask.

Now, my prior ignorance appears to be more the norm. With church attendance and Bible study declining, millions don’t know anything about Jesus, Palm Sunday, or even care to know. Correspondingly, many non-believers are lost and looking for meaning in their lives. Add to that state of mind life challenges that everyone experiences — tragedy, sickness, heartbreak, failure, betrayal, money problems, death of a loved one — it’s no wonder that depression, mental illness, addiction, abuse, and self-destructive behaviors thoroughly permeate our culture.

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Conversely, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ know their faith does not preclude them from experiencing life’s difficulties. But fortunately, faith equips us with protective layers of love, hope, trust, comfort, meaning, and greater purpose — the desire to glorify Him in our life. Knowing Jesus is with you, holding your hand, offering forgiveness of sin, and that you are destined to spend eternal life with Him provides the framework that sets believers apart from non-believers. So pray about what Jesus tells us:

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him” (John 14:6).

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