Vatican Opens An Embassy Called A Nunciature In Abu Dhabi Displaying Solidarity With Islam As It Pushes The One World Religion Of Chrislam By
for Now The End BeginsThe Vatican opened its first embassy in the United Arab Emirates in Abu Dhabi to celebrate International Day of Human Fraternity of Chrislam.
The opening of a new apostolic nunciature, an embassy of the Vatican, in the United Arab Emirates is a testament to fraternity and goodwill between Muslims and Christians, said Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra.
On the podcast today, we showed you the full history of Chrislam, who started it, where it came from, and how far it’s advanced here in 2022. Now comes this amazing update that the Vatican has opened a nunciature, or embassy, in Abu Dhabi as it solidifies its base of Human Fraternity and the One World Religion of Chrislam. Things are happening so fast now, and as Habakkuk accurately points out, many are watching but so very few are paying attention that it’s flying under the radar while being in full view at the same time.
“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)
Today is a huge day for the Vatican, the Roman Catholic Church, Islam, Rick Warren and his pope Francis, but most of all it’s a day of celebration for Mohamed bin Zayed. That man nearly singlehandedly worked to produce the environment that saw the birth of the Declaration of Human Fraternity, Chrislam, the One World Religion and the Abraham Accords. His fingerprints are all over every one of this things I just mentioned, and rightly so. They are all part and parcel of bringing in the Daniel 9:27 covenant confirmation with Antichrist that will take place in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place.