Prophetic Word: Heaven’s Nets Are Being Drawn for the Final Harvest by BERT FARIASĀ for Charisma News
In a recent meeting, as a Middle East missionary testified of the many miracles of salvation among the Muslims, the babe leaped within my womb and the glory of God filled me. When I awoke the next morning the utterance that I had in that meeting was still upon me. Here it is: A message for the body of Christ:
“Too many of My people are tuned into earth’s realm and the news and activity of what they hear and see. The lies and gross darkness and evil of an antichrist system has them bound to this world. And so the love of many is waxing cold, and fear grips many hearts at what is coming on the earth.
“But tune in to heaven’s frequency, and you will see and hear something very different. For I tell you now that here in this place the sound of joy and great rejoicing is increasing for the repentance of many who are coming home. The activity of heaven is moving at an accelerated pace now, for the final harvest that is being reaped has begun.
Let your senses be exercised to hear what the prophets of old longed to hear of this great salvation that is springing up from every tribe and tongue and nation on the earth even now. Listen to the sound of the cheering of this great cloud of witnesses, who are cheering on the laborers sent by the Lord of the harvest to the many ripened fields.
“Yes, I say, tune in to heaven’s sound of those many hearts who are turning to Me in this very hour and the pitter-patter of many feet who are running into the Father’s armsāeven the sound of singing and angels rejoicing at the many prodigals who are among them. Listen to the sounds of joy and great rejoicing here in this place. Tune in to the many preparations now being made as heaven’s nets are being drawn for the final harvest of the nations.