Monsters Among Us: Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for investigation into dead babies recovered by pro-lifers in DC

Monsters Among Us: Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for investigation into dead babies recovered by pro-lifers in DC by JackBingham for Life Site News

GNN Note – The depths of evil that our society is reaching can not be sustained much longer. It is crushing to our souls. We need Jesus now more than ever. / END

The slaughter of innocent children is of course the logical endpoint to the Left’s culture of death,’ Greene said.

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has called for a full investigation into the possible infanticide of five dead babies recovered by pro-life activists in Washington, D.C. 

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“In our nation’s capital, five dead babies were delivered to police by a pro-life activist, Lauren Handy,” Greene said in a video posted to social media on Tuesday.  

“The babies were intact, suggesting that they had been delivered alive. One of them had her skull crushed and her brain removed in a manner consistent with partial birth abortion, or infanticide,” added the representative from Florida.  

Greene explained that despite the evidence that the babies were killed in illegal partial birth abortions, D.C. Metro police have said that “no murder investigations have been opened” as an initial inquiry shows the babies were killed in “accordance with D.C. law.” 

“This is absurd. The American media, consumed with Joe Biden’s ‘Trans Day of Visibility,’ has been shamefully silent. The slaughter of innocent children is of course the logical endpoint to the Left’s culture of death,” stated Greene.  

“Since baby killing activists are now brazen enough to advocate for infanticide, it is right to ask if these infants were a victim of this new and bloodthirsty zeal of the deaths of innocents,” added Greene, referencing California’s proposed AB2223 bill which if passed, allows for “perinatal” abortion. 

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