Infectious disease researchers kill people. (Sadly, not a conspiracy theory.)

Infectious disease researchers kill people. (Sadly, not a conspiracy theory.) by Alex Berenson – SubStack

They kill by accident and on purpose. With smallpox and anthrax. In the US and UK and USSR. China too. No wonder Tony Fauci doesn’t want anyone looking too hard at the origins of Sars-Cov-2.

Unfunny story.

Smallpox was eradicated in 1977. An incredible medical achievement. A terrible virus would no longer stalk humanity.

Except. The last person who died from smallpox died in 1978.

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Sept. 11, 1978, to be precise.

Her name was Janet Parker. She was a photographer in Birmingham, England – thousands of miles from Somalia, where the last cases of smallpox had occurred.


Smallpox was eradicated from the wild in 1977. It lived on (to the extent that viruses live) in laboratories.

Janet Parker was infected in a laboratory leak at Birmingham Medical School. She used a telephone booth one floor above the lab, and investigators concluded the virus must have been sucked through a vent into the booth. The virologist who ran the lab, Dr. Henry Bedson, killed himself by slitting his throat on Sept. 6, 1978, five days before Parker died.

“I am sorry to have misplaced the trust which so many of my friends and colleagues have placed in me and my work,” he wrote.

Thirty years later, on July 29, 2008, a troubled American anthrax researcher named Bruce Ivins followed Bedson on the last train out, killing himself with a Tylenol overdose. Ivins didn’t leave a note to apologize, though he did write something illegible on his leg.

At the time Ivins killed himself, Federal prosecutors were preparing to charge him in the 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people and injured 17 others – the worst act of biological terrorism in United States history.

The case shouldn’t have taken seven years to crack. Ivins, who had serious psychiatric problems, worked at the main biological weapons lab for the United States military, where he personally kept a huge flask of the exact strain of anthrax used in the attacks.

The call is coming from inside the house.


I’ve been diving into the murky history of biological weapons and defense research for my new book about the origins of Sars-Cov-2 – and our response to it.

Not because Sars-Cov-2 is a biological weapon. It’s not.

But many of the people at the center of our response to Covid first came to prominence in the late 1990s as they sounded the alarm about the threat of biological warfare. The “tabletop games” meant to warn policymakers about emerging infectious diseases? Those used to be tabletop games meant to warn policymakers about bioterrorism.

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