Modern Medicine is Based on Politics and Dogma, NOT Science – Remembering British Biologist Whistleblower Harold Hillman by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
The COVID-19 Plandemic did not corrupt the medical system. The corrupt medical system gave us the COVID-19 scam.
As the evidence continues to explode on a daily basis now showing how the COVID-19 vaccines are literally destroying people’s lives with uninformed people willingly allowing themselves and their children to be injected with dangerous experimental shots that prior to 2020 would not even meet the accepted scientific definition for “vaccines,” it is very important to understand what I have been saying for many months now, which is that the COVID-19 plandemic did not corrupt the medical system. The corrupt medical system gave us the COVID-19 scam now responsible for mass murder and genocide.
This is not a popular view, as the medical system and the pharmaceutical industry probably employ more people than any other industry, and the whistleblower doctors who have exposed the fraud in COVID stop short of exposing the deep corruption in the entire system that gave us COVID, as they continue to profit and benefit from that same system.
So I have taken a lot of heat for exposing the “superstar doctors” who oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but themselves are still profiting from the medical system and overall are still pro-vaccine and would have no problem injecting you and your children with other vaccines. See:
Pro-Vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough Attacks Health Impact News with False Claims
Pro-Vaccine Big Pharma Execs Invite You to D.C. to “Protest Against Vaccine Mandates” – Did You Forget What Happened on Jan. 6th 2021?
Montana Doctor Exposes the “Alt Doctors” Profiting from COVID by Promoting Fear
Which one of these current “superstar doctors,” for example, has exposed the same fraud we just exhibited in COVID which has been present in the annual flu shots every year?
The flu shot campaigns every year used all the same techniques and fraud that COVID did to sell influenza vaccines (inflated numbers to promote fear, faulty PCR testing, a vaccine that offered no benefits but only risk to injury and death, etc.), and that has been going on for decades. See:
The Disappearance of the Annual Flu Which was Replaced with COVID-19 Shows Corruption at its Highest Level at the CDC
If the American public does not want to continue to be abused by medical tyranny, then one needs to understand that the medical and pharmaceutical system is thoroughly corrupt, political, and not based on science at all.
From a spiritual and biblical perspective, it is evil and idolatrous. See:
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century
So it is very rare to encounter anyone writing about how the entire system is corrupt, and not just parts of it, which is why I was pleased to see the late British biologist Harold Hillman get some recognition for his efforts to expose this corrupt system.