A Chinese Container Ship Trapped in the Chesapeake Bay? Sounds Normal to Me.

A Chinese Container Ship Trapped in the Chesapeake Bay? Sounds Normal to Me. by Jeff Thompson for The Organic Prepper

The container ship fiasco never really went away. It just quit being mentioned in the news cycle. But, perhaps, here’s one container ship story you weren’t even aware of. There’s a container ship that’s been stuck in the Chesapeake Bay for the past two weeks – and it’s flying the Hong Kong flag.

For those of you who still believe that Hong Kong is its own separate entity, let’s not forget that Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997.

And, for what it’s worth, here’s a highly entertaining and completely unrelated video:

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You can see this ship’s current coordinates HERE. (Approximately 37 miles from DC.)

What’s the backstory with this container ship?

March 13, 2022, a container ship, reportedly carrying general cargo, and owned by Evergreen Marine became grounded in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay. The name of the 1096-foot ship is the Ever Forward, and the event took place almost exactly a year (March 23) after the Suez Canal was blocked by another Evergreen Marine container ship, the Ever Given.

The ship left Baltimore’s Seagirt Terminal on the night of March 13, 2022, with the stated intention of traveling to Norfolk, Virginia.

But then, the Ever Forward traveled outside of the Craighill Channel – the shipping lane that ships traveling through the area utilize. Whereas the Craighill Channel is 50’ deep, the Ever Forward ended up going to a location where the water depth is only 25’ – and there, it ended up being grounded.

A perfect location for an accident

The location where the Ever Forward ended up grounding itself poses no obstruction to other cargo ships in the area and happened in such a way that there was no damage to the ship, no injuries were recorded, and no pollution took place. In short, its being grounded really creates no sense of urgency.

The US Coast Guard has stated that they’re not sure why the Ever Forward ran aground. (Surely, the Coast Guard isn’t insinuating they don’t know that big ships can’t travel in shallow waters. Are they referring to something else?)

Though Evergreen Marine is based out of Taiwan, the Ever Forward flies the Hong Kong flag. If you’re looking for a connection between the Chinese company Evergrande and Evergreen, so far, given a cursory glance through the respective companies’ boards of directors HERE and HERE, we can’t find one.

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