A Second State Follows Maryland’s Lead With Disturbing Bill to Legalize Infanticide by OLIVIA SUMMERS/ACLJ for Charisma News
We recently told you about a bill in the Maryland legislature that could legalize abortion until as many as 28 days after a baby is born. Now, California has proposed a similarly horrific bill that could likewise effectively legalize infanticide.
As many of you know from my previous blogs, innocent life is increasingly under attack in pro-abortion states, such as Maryland. We’ve detailed for you how the Maryland bills would restrict investigations into the deaths of newborns, and the efforts currently underway to make abortion a state constitutional right.
Now we are seeing these same efforts in California. There is a bill—Assembly Bill 2223, introduced by Assembly Member Buffy Wicks and coauthored by Assembly Member Kevin Mullin“—that would amend, add and repeal several sections to the California Health and Safety Code. This bill states that “People … need to end pregnancies by abortion, including self-managed abortion, which means ending one’s own pregnancy outside of the medical system.” The bill is attempting to change the law that currently requires coroners to “investigate certain abortions and pregnancy losses,” to instead prohibit a “coroner’s statements on a certificate of fetal death to establish, bring or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of damages against any person.”
To be clear, that phrase “any person” does mean any. The text proposed in the bill reads: “This section shall not be used to establish, bring or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of action seeking damages against any person, whether or not they were the person who was pregnant with the fetus.”
The bill goes on to declare that “every individual possesses a fundamental right of privacy with respect to personal reproductive decisions, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care … [and] abortion care ….”