The Skyrocketing Price Of Fertilizer Has Caused A Worldwide Nightmare That Global Leaders Can No Longer Deny

The Skyrocketing Price Of Fertilizer Has Caused A Worldwide Nightmare That Global Leaders Can No Longer Deny by Ā for The Economic Collapse Blog

GNN Note – When you and your family are starving because the shelves at the store are empty until the next harvest is processed and shipped, maybe it will become clear as to why this article is published in the “Health” section of this website. / END

Please read this article very carefully, because it contains very important information that is going to affect you and your family.Ā  In fact, it is going to affect every man, woman and child on the face of the planet.Ā  For the past couple of years, I have been specifically warning that a major global food crisis was coming.Ā  In fact, in recent months I have been writing about this multiple times per week.Ā  At first, I think that a lot of people out there thought that I was exaggerating, but at this point the reality that we are heading into a major global food crisis has become undeniable.Ā  In fact, Joe Biden just told a press conference in Brussels that worldwide food shortages are ā€œgoing to be realā€ā€¦

President Joe Biden said that the world will experience food shortages as a result of Russiaā€™s invasion of Ukraine, and production increases were a subject of discussions at a Group of Seven meeting on Thursday.

ā€œItā€™s going to be real,ā€ Biden said at a news conference in Brussels. ā€œThe price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia. Itā€™s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.ā€

And Biden is definitely not alone.

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If you can believe it, things are already so serious in France that the government is actually considering implementing a food voucher systemā€¦

French President Emmanuel Macron said his government is considering food vouchers to help middle and low-income families afford to eat, calling the problem a ā€œworldwide food crisis.ā€

ā€œI want to put in place a food voucher [system] to help the most modest households and the middle class facing these additional costs,ā€ Macron said in an interview with France Bleu radio on Tuesday.


I was floored when I read that.

People need to understand that this is not a game.

One of the biggest reasons why the outlook for the months ahead is so grim is due to the soaring cost of fertilizer.Ā  The American Farm Bureau Federation is telling us that in some cases the price of fertilizer has risen 300 percentā€¦

Fertilizer is a necessity for farmers, allowing them to achieve the high yields needed to meet demand and keep their operations afloat. According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, fertilizer costs have risen as much as 300% in some areas ā€” adding significant pressure to farmersā€™ pocketbooks.

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