Updated Psychiatric Manual Makes Grief, Racism, and Childhood “Mental Disorders” to be Treated with Drugs

Updated Psychiatric Manual Makes Grief, Racism, and Childhood “Mental Disorders” to be Treated with Drugs by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News

Americans love their drugs.

We are some of the most medicated people on the face of the planet, which means that this will not be a popular article, because I will expose people’s idols, showing how evil Big Pharma is, and how they maintain control over the U.S. population through people’s addiction to these prescription drugs.

The latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychiatry’s “bible” that gives them the “authority” to prescribe drugs for “mental disorders,” is scheduled to be updated this month (March 2022) with new “disorders” that psychiatrists can now prescribe drugs for, which will undoubtedly put more people on their psyche drugs now.

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The first thing to understand when it comes to the DSM is that there is not one single “mental disorder” that can be diagnosed by a laboratory test. These disorders are voted upon by the leaders in the field of psychiatry.

Therefore, to accept their diagnosis of a “mental disorder,” is to put your trust in them, to believe in them and their alleged “expertise” on mental health.

Adding new diagnoses to the DSM also weaponizes medical tyrants allowing them to commit people, most often seniors, to medical institutions against their will, and then have a judge award that “mentally disabled” person to the State, where the State can then seize all their assets and liquidate them to pay the patient’s medical bills.

This is adult medical kidnapping, and it happens in this country every day, about 3x more often than children being medically kidnapped and forced into Foster Care.

A study published in 2018 found that about 1.3 million adults representing over $50 billion of their assets were currently confined in medical institutions all across this country against their will, by having a judge deem them “mentally incompetent,” and then having a court-order guardian basically take over their entire lives, by prescribing drugs to “cure” them while seizing their estates, even if the family had a medical power of attorney in place. See:

Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care – $50 BILLION in Assets Seized

See this article that we also published in 2018:

Trump Administration Continues Practice of Blocking Attempts to Investigate Elder Abuse – Adult Medical Kidnapping

Psychiatry also plays a huge role in medically kidnapping children, as a school teacher or official, or a social worker, can recommend a psychiatric diagnosis of a child, and then have drugs prescribed, and if the parents disagree, they are charged with medical neglect and their children are taken away from them and awarded to the custody of the State. And State-appointed Foster Parents have no choice over what drugs their foster children are ordered to take, because they are wards of the State.

So an update to the book that makes all of this “legal,” the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), will undoubtedly lead to more medical tyranny, and more medical kidnappings.

New additions to the DSM this month will reportedly include excessive grief, racism, and new guidelines for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which will basically make childhood a mental disorder.

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