Throne Room (Video)

Throne Room Video by Kim Walker-Smith

Dream after dream, You are | Speaking to me, breathing | Word after word of kingdom come | Here at Your feet, I can | See the unseen, truly | One look at You and I’m undone | I run to the throne room | I run to the throne room | And I fall on my face | With angels and saints | And all I can say is | Holy, holy, holy are You, God | My heart can’t contain | The weight of Your name | And all I can say is | Holy, holy, holy are You | Grace upon grace, all my fear falls away | Only Your perfect love for me remains | Oh … | Time after time | You stay close by my side | Burning fire inside | I can’t contain | I run to the throne room | I run to the throne room | I run to the throne room | Before You, the only One | I run to the throne room | Before You, I’m overcome

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