Repeated COVID vaccinations compromise body’s natural ability to fend off disease, resulting in VAIDS

Repeated COVID vaccinations compromise body’s natural ability to fend off disease, resulting in VAIDS by:  for Natural News

Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH) founder Rob Verkerk warned that repeated injections of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine could undermine the body’s ability to fend off infections naturally.

He cited the words of Belgian vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche, who advised against COVID-19 vaccines.

“Because vaccinal [antibodies] suppress relevant innate [antibodies], these vaccines have no capacity whatsoever to confer sterilizing immunity. Moreover, vaccinal [antibodies] tend to outcompete innate [antibodies] for binding to SARS-CoV-2 because of their higher affinity for the virus,” Vanden Bossche said back in December 2021.

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“This particularly applies to naive innate [antibodies in children] and already explains why [COVID-19] vaccination is at risk of dramatically weakening people’s first line of immune defense, especially in children.”

The Belgian expert warned that mass vaccination against COVID-19 is “an assault on [people’s] immune system” that carries “dramatic consequences for both individual and public health.” He reiterated that natural immunity is “well-armed to protect” against all COVID-19 variants and other viruses responsible for causing acute respiratory disease.

“Mass vaccination is now turning COVID-19 into a disease of young and healthy unvaccinated people, while enabling the virus to break through both the innate and adaptive immune defense of vaccines.”

Verkerk, also the executive director of ANH, cited the rise of vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS), which he dubbed as the puzzle piece “that connects potential immune erosion with HIV [human immunodeficiency virus].” He warned: “With increasing frequency of exposure of people to COVID-19 injections that erode innate immunity and disrupt cell-mediated immune responses, it is highly likely we will witness a rise in VAIDS [cases.]”

“It may be longer before health authorities and vaccine manufacturers who have pushed to achieve incredibly high rates of vaccine coverage in many industrialized countries are prepared to recognize that the injections are the cause.” (Related: Doctors are testifying that COVID-19 vaccines are giving people cancer and AIDS.)

Verkerk explores link between HIV and COVID

The ANH founder referenced a February 2020 paper by French scientist and mathematician Jean Claude Perez about the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen. Using computer simulation, he found genome fragments of two retrovirus variants – the HIV and the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) – in the reference genome of the original SARS-CoV-2 that emerged from the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan.

Perez argued that these viruses would be unlikely to find their way either to a bat cave or an animal, living or dead, in the Wuhan market.

A later study involving Perez and the late professor Jean-Luc Montagnier elaborated on the February 2020 observation’s findings. The pair’s July 2020 paper published in the International Journal of Research pointed out that 2.5 percent of the SARS-CoV-2 genome from Wuhan contained 18 RNA fragment insertions from either SIV or HIV. Given that the fragments were 18 to 30 nucleotides in length, Perez and Montagnier argued that these had the ability to modify gene expression in humans exposed to the pathogen that causes COVID-19.

According to the French researchers, the RNA inserts were likely inserted in the virus for a twofold purpose – for gain-of-function research and vaccine design.

True enough, Verkerk mentioned that two COVID-19 vaccines in clinical trials had links to HIV. According to the ANH founder, the Chinese CanSino and Russian Sputnik V shots are two such vaccines that use the genetically engineered adenovirus type-5 vector (Ad5) to deliver the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. However, a trial of an HIV vaccine in the 2000s that used Ad5 found that it increased the risk of HIV infection in the vaccinated cohort.

Montagnier died on Feb. 8 at the age of 89. But before his death, a quote attributed to him became viral: “For those of you who have taken the third [COVID-19 vaccine] dose, go and take a test for AIDS. The results may surprise you. Then sue your government.”

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