8 Keys to Having a Global Biblical Interpretation

8 Keys to Having a Global Biblical Interpretation by JOSEPH MATTERA for Charisma News

Hermeneutic = hermeneutics plural in form but singular or plural in construction : the study of the methodological principles of interpretation (as of the Bible)

More and more, there is a demand on the church to have the ability to apply Scripture to the global context. This is because the internet comprehensively connects people throughout the world.

The stories, needs, aspirations, and plight of various people groups come into everyone’s space when they view their mobile phone, computer or watch the news (The devastation inflicted upon Ukraine by Russia should burden the hearts of all believers, irrespective of where they live). Consequently, the shared narrative of the globe should motivate the evangelical church to have a global hermeneutic (By “hermeneutic,” I am referring to the science of biblical interpretation for appropriate application to a particular cultural context.)

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For many decades, I have attempted to understand Scripture in light of the kingdom, which is transnational, since God claims all nations and people groups for His purpose (Ps. 2:8-9).

The following are eight keys to having a global hermeneutic:

1. Understand the popular passage in John 3:16 that declares, “God so loved the world.” This is profound since it implies that we need to care for the whole world as God does and not just our nation.

2. Obey the command in Acts 1:8-9, which states that Jesus told believers to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. This means He expects His followers to be cultural anthropologists who could articulate and present the gospel in every culture, context and city.

3. Read the book of Acts. It is not only descriptive but prescriptive when it illustrates how the apostles ministered to the gospel in different ways depending upon the cultural background of their audience. They did so without compromising the essence of the message.

4. Become a broad reader of global geopolitical news and watch documentaries about various cultures.

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