5G towers, smart phones and mRNA injections are inextricably connected

5G towers, smart phones and mRNA injections are inextricably connected By  for Ingredients

5G towers, smart phones and Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines are all inextricably connected, according to “SGT Report” host Sean Turnbull. He stated in a virtual panel discussion that all are linked as they pertain to the kill grid of eugenicists.

“I think the evidence and information shared here is super important. And we’ll continue to cover this because I think the mRNA injections, the 5G towers and the smart phones are all inextricably connected. I think that’s what we’ve discovered here. And that’s why we need to keep exploring this issue, warning the people and trying to find a remedy to this incredibly devious anti-human plot,” said Turnbull, who added that 5G is definitely related to the pandemic and that the 5G grid is a much bigger issue than people originally thought.

Turnbull shared a video clip from La Quinta Columna showing that watching content threatening the powers-that-be in your cell phone will cause radiation levels go off the charts.

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Lawyer Todd Callender then presented the case of Dr. Pete Chambers, a United States Army lieutenant colonel, who suffered an injury that seems to be related to 5G or perhaps even prior generations. Callender said 5G is just a name for generations relating to electronic warfare.

Chambers, who was also part of the panel discussion, shared that he had suffered brain fog when he testified in the COVID vaccine cases in a federal district court in Florida recently. He said he wasn’t sure if they have been targeted, but there were definitely a lot of EMF or electromagnetic fields in the area.

Callender added that it is a combination of things from the COVID bug, vaccine shots and how it relates to what’s happening in the 5G world or electronic world.

According to tech researcher Nick Winters, there are over 100 different U.S. patents that relate to 5G technology, such as brainwave-inducing therapeutic behavioral modification programs and subliminal message generator, among others. He added that they have been done since the ’70s and ’80s and it is just shocking that it is now coming to the forefront.

Power of 5G towers can cook an entire city

Medical researcher and author John Lukach, on the other hand, said 5G towers should be a concern because the amount of raw power it has could cook or roast an entire city, citing that one of the towers has a maximum of three megawatts of power that are powering a magnetron. (Related: Activating 5G towers could KILL people who took COVID-19 vaccines, analysts warn.)

Lukach noted that there is a lot of speculation about the settings on the 5G equipment. He said it has to do with the vaccine contents, such as trace minerals and elements like graphene oxide.

He added that radiating graphene oxide along with some other trace elements, such as mineral salts will enable it to self assemble. The medical researcher mentioned that free-flowing graphene in the human body’s system is very problematic because there is no real defense against it.

Lukach also said that exposure to a certain frequency of non-ionizing radiation from a cell tower can cause graphene oxide accumulations in the body. He added that graphene oxide can multiply and physical mass as much as 30 times and it will combine with whatever else is around.

“So if you want to take all the graphene oxide in your body and flip it into graphene hydroxide and flood your vasculature with little nano-razor blades, as Andreas Noack warned us about. That’s how it’s done. And so they are using this infrastructure to create things. Using the body as a manufacturing plant is just the substrate. So nobody’s talking about this because it’s not something that’s in medical literature,” Lukach explained.

According to Lukach, all the different allotropes of graphene material can be generated spontaneously under the right EMF band and that it can literally change its allotrope from sheets, strings, cylinders and buckyballs, among other different things.

Lukach also mentioned Dr. Robert Young who had put out a lengthy report about all the undisclosed things that were in the four major COVID vaccine formulas, such as graphene oxide, parasites, heavy metal, stainless steel, titanium, among others.

He also talked about micro-bubbles which will burst and release their contents when coming in contact with an EMF signal of a particular frequency.

The medical researcher also stressed that the 5G tower is not about getting a cool cell phone, but it is supporting a technological communications infrastructure that can carry enough data to run back and forth with the trillions of bytes of information about people’s genomic sequence.

Watch the video below to know how the mRNA injections, 5G and smartphones are linked to a kill grid.

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