Text of Pope Francis’ consecration of ‘humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine’ released by Michael Haynes for Life Site News
The text of the ‘Act of Consecration’ has reportedly been released, naming Russia twice and using the phrase ‘we entrust and consecrate.’
The wording of Pope Francis’ consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary has been released, with the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis releasing a pdf of the text on its website, along with Father John Stone, and has since been reported also by Catholic News Agency, although CNA did not provide any additional corroboration of the veracity of the text.
The consecration text does not mention Our Lady of Fatima at all, and mentions Russia only twice, when referencing Russia as an apparent addendum to the prayer.
The key section of the prayer reads: “Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine.”
The full text of the prayer is found below. LifeSiteNews will have further coverage on this breaking news shortly.
Full text of the prayer to Our Lady:
Oh Mary, Mother of God and our mother, in this time of trial returned to you. As a mother you love us and know us: no concern of our hearts is hidden from you. Mother of mercy, how often we have experienced your watchful care and your peaceful presence! You never cease to guide us to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Yet we have strayed from that path of peace. We have forgotten the lesson learned from the tragedies of the last century the sacrifice of the millions who fell into world wars. We have disregarded the commitments we made as a community of nations. We have betrayed peoples’ dreams of peace and the hopes of the young. We grew sick with greed, we thought only of our own nations and their interests, we grew indifferent and caught up in our selfish needs and concerns.
We chose to ignore God, to be satisfied with our illusions, to grow arrogant and aggressive, to suppress innocent lives and to stockpile weapons. We stopped being our neighbor’s keepers and stewards of our common home. We have ravaged the garden of the earth with war and by our sins we have broken the heart of our heavenly Father, who desires us to be brothers and sisters. We grew indifferent to everyone and everything except ourselves.