16 Inspiring, Must-Read Stories About Hope, Miracles, the End Times, Ukraine, and Our Ever-Chaotic World

16 Inspiring, Must-Read Stories About Hope, Miracles, the End Times, Ukraine, and Our Ever-Chaotic World By  for Faith Wire

Are you searching for some powerful, uplifting, and informative stories? Look no further. This is a list of some of the most inspiring and must-know stories from the past few weeks:

First and foremost, let’s start with Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s incredible miracle story. Doctors said Beutler’s unborn baby would die, and all hope was lost. But the congresswoman refused to give up.

“I felt like the Lord was like, ‘I’m going to give you this baby,’” she told me. Eight years later, after a miracle, her child is alive and well, and now she’s helping save other unborn children. Read the incredible story.

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Next, there’s Duck Dynasty” star Missy Robertson, who told me about a baby she and her family are selflessly taking care of.

This child, whose mother is in crisis, has been a surprising blessing to the Robertsons:

Now, on to the ongoing Ukraine crisis. Ethan Forhetz, Convoy of Hope’s national spokesperson and vice president, recently told me about the “sense of hopelessness” many are experiencing after fleeing Ukraine.

But he said his organization — and others — are instilling hope among the refugees.

“Many are women with their children. They’ve left their husbands … they don’t know whether they’re going to see them again,” he said of the refugees. “They don’t know where they’re going. They don’t know what’s going to happen to the country they love.” Read more about the refugees.

There’s also a priest in Connecticut spending thousands of dollars on billboards encouraging people to pray for God to change Russian President Vladimir Putin’s heart. Here is the billboard.

Oh, and this compilation of Ukrainians praying is deeply inspiring.

One of the more tragic stories surrounding the conflict was told by CNN’s Erin Burnett. She interviewed a Ukrainian dad this week who lost his wife and kids. She broke down in the middle of it, and when you watch and hear the father’s story, you’ll understand why.

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